Samurai Sums

Ninja Character

Welcome to Numeracy Ninjas Samurai Sums!

Times Tables Lightning Streaks

Practice your multiplication and division facts in a fun, ninja-themed way.

Game Duration:
Difficulty Level:
Question Types:
Select Times Tables:

Sound Effects:
Background Music:

Percentage Complete

These circles show the percentage of multiplication and division facts answered within your chosen difficulty threshold.

Lightning Streaks are achieved with correct answers based on your chosen difficulty level.
Time: 0
Ninja Score: 0
Lightning Streak: +0
Get Ready!
Game Summary Image

Game Summary

Multiplication Performance

The multiplication grid shows the average time (in seconds) taken to answer each multiplication fact. Green indicates times within your chosen difficulty threshold, amber between threshold and 2.5× threshold, and red over 2.5× threshold.

Division Performance

The division grid shows the average time (in seconds) taken to answer each division fact. Green indicates times within your chosen difficulty threshold, amber between threshold and 2.5× threshold, and red over 2.5× threshold.

Badges Earned

Badges are earned by answering all facts for a given times table within your chosen difficulty threshold. Master each multiplication or division times table to earn your badge, and earn all to unlock the Grand Master badge!